Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Watch Parks and Recreation. Now.

I know what many people say about Parks and Rec, that it's exactly like The Office, just in a different setting and not as funny. Okay, I admit that maybe to some extent that's true. After all, both shows were created by the same people. But after a so-so season one, Parks and Rec has found its footing in season two and has quietly become one of the funniest shows currently on television. That's right. I said it and I stand behind it. Amy Poehler is hilarious and the supporting cast for P&R is superior to that of The Office. I know this sounds blasphemous coming from a loyal Office fan, but it's the truth. Also, let's face it -- The Office isn't what it used to be. Ever since Pam and Jim got married, the show has been semi-scuffling. And if Steve Carell really is leaving the show after this season, then I think it's about time to close up Dunder Mifflin Scranton.

But we're getting off topic. We're here to talk about P&R. So now is your chance to find out how right I am about it since NBC has started to replay all of season two online. The first four episodes are up now, but they're only online until Monday when they put up the next four episodes. Here's the Hulu link for Parks and Rec. So hurry and watch it. Now.

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