Bad news, everyone: Heidi Montag has decided to let her psychic/manager go. While I really would have liked to have seen where this psychic/manager was going to lead Heidi in her career, I guess we should probably just applaud Heidi for coming to her senses and realizing that hiring a psychic for ANYTHING is beyond stupid. Even for Heidi.
But I do have GOOD NEWS regarding our favorite couple. (By the way, I feel the need to preface the news with the reminder that it is absolutely true. I'm not making this up. And it's probably never a good thing when someone's telling a story about you and they have to give that disclaimer beforehand.) Anyway, perhaps still in search of that spiritual connection, Spencer and Heidi have decided to give themselves Native American names. Spencer will be known as Running Bear and Heidi will be known as White Wolf. Remember, I'm not making this up.
This is what Spencer, er, Running Bear said about the name change, ""[We] are getting more in-tune with our spirituality ... and will be known as the name our creator has given us—our true native-AMERICAN names."
Again, this is not made up!!
By now you have many questions, I'm sure. Are they Native American in any way, shape, or form? Did they consult any Native American tribes about doing this? Could they have possibly chosen more stereotypical Native American names? The answers: no, no, and probably no. Normally I'd give some kind of humorous analysis but in this case, I think that the story itself is more than enough. And these are the kinds of things I like: when the work has already been done for me.
But remember in my last posting about Speidi, I wrote that everyone needs to hope that they manage to stay together for a long time for the sake of the world's collective entertainment? This, my friends, is exactly why.
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