You want to know why so many people in this world are wary of Christians? It's because of people like Pat Robertson. If you don't know who he is, he's essentially a televangelist with deep pockets, a huge ego, and a penchant for making outrageous claims. And when I say outrageous, I mean REALLY outrageous. (My personal favorite is his hilarious leg press claim.)
Anyway, Patty Boy has been up to his old tricks again and recently had an interesting response to the devastating earthquakes in Haiti. Robertson claims that Haiti's founders had sworn a "pact to the Devil" in order to liberate themselves from the French slave owners. As a result, the earthquake is the consequence of the Haitian people being "cursed" for doing so. Basically, Haiti brought this death and destruction on themselves and they are to be blamed for it.
Here's a video clip of his asinine comments. What I find almost as ridiculous as Robertson's actual comments is his female co-host who is nodding in serious agreement with him. Yes, people actually believe the lunacy that comes out of his mouth. By the way, notice at the beginning of the clip when Pat says that the quake might have been "a blessing in disguise," the guy he's interviewing is clearly bewildered by the statement and is trying so hard not to say, "UH WTFREAKING... ARE YOU SERIOUS, FOOL?!?!"
The bottom line is that this guy is out of his freaking mind and he is a disgrace to genuine Christians everywhere. A Christian life starts first with humility, but Pat Robertson is nothing but a sleazy self-promoter.
He currently claims to be setting up a relief fund for Haiti, but why would anyone in their right mind let this guy even sniff their money. It's not like he's misused money in the past or anything. I think I'd trust Pat Robertson to do the right thing with money about as much as I'd trust NBC to do the right thing with a late night TV show.
If you want to actually do something simple and real, text the Red Cross at 90999 with the word "Haiti." Ten dollars will be donated to help relief efforts and the charge will show up on your cell phone bill. Over $10 million has already been raised through texts alone. Of course, in this world of Facebook and Twitter, you probably already knew all about this. So that means you've donated, right?
Oh, and there's one more thing you can do, something that eludes Pat Robertson's pea-sized brain: you can pray for the people of Haiti with a loving heart.
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