The title pretty much says it all. Six seasons of The Office have been leading up this episode and it absolutely delivered in every way possible. Sure, the wedding of everyone's favorite TV couple was great and that's the main reason why we tuned in. But the episode as a whole was arguably one of the funniest in recent memory. I'm pretty sure I've watched it five times since it aired on Thursday. I can't get enough. Anyway, I present to you my top-five Office wedding episode moments.
(Also, did anyone else notice that Pam's sister was really hot? Watch it again. Seriously, she's pretty fine.)
5. The entire office puking
Good Lord, this was one of the most random, but also most hilarious opening sequences ever. There's just something about watching a chain reaction puking that's comic gold. Awesome. And how can you not like Creed sitting there eating his noodles while everyone is throwing up around him?
4. Kevin
Kevin has been finding more and more hilarious moments as the show progresses. He came through yet again with his tissue box shoes, the hair piece, and the resting of his feet in the ice machine. So childish, so goofy, so awesome. How can you not love Kevin?
3. Dwight's wolf shirt
Let's be honest: the wolf shirt is the epitome of Dwight Schrute. And how can you argue with it when it helped him to hook up with Pam's friend? AAWOOOOO!!
2. Andy tearing his scrotum
I have to say that Andy is climbing the ladder of my favorite characters on The Office. The way he tries so hard to fit in and be accepted while letting everyone walk all over him, and how nothing ever goes right for him, you can't help but laugh. It just goes to prove that it's always funny as long as it's not happening to you. And a torn scrotum pretty much fits the bill.
Anyway, this event led to one of my favorite exchanges of the entire episode:
Meredith: Crotch injuries are the worst. You don't need to tell me.
Andy: ...I wasn't telling you.
Meredith: Is there still something there?
Andy: Excuse me?
Meredith: They didn't get torn off?
Andy: Nothing got torn off! Who told you that?!
Jim: I may have told some people that. I'm nervous. I'm about to get married.
1. Forever
What else would number one be? The entire episode was building up to this moment and it was awesome. The wedding could have been done super cheesy and sappy, with deep vows between Jim and Pam, and honestly that would have been fine. But it really turned into an Office kind of wedding ceremony. I also loved how the whole thing was edited between the dancing down the aisle and Jim and Pam out at Niagara Falls. It was the perfect mix of humor and sweetness, and when it was all over, you couldn't help but smile just like Michael did at the end. (By the way, I realize some people didn't know the connection to the infamous YouTube video. Watch it and it'll all make sense.)
Also, "Forever" is ridiculously catchy. Yes, I know Chris Brown isn't exactly the model human being, but you can't help but sing along and enjoy the song.
One more bonus moment: I think the sweetest moment of the episode was when Jim comforted Pam, who was distraught after tearing her veil, by promptly grabbing a pair of scissors and cutting his tie in half. You want to know why all girls love Jim Halpert? Exhibit A. I mean, damn, the guy comes through in the clutch so often that part of ME wants to marry him.
Anyway, all in all, The Office wedding was everything we could have asked for and more. See you at the baby's birth.
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