Okay so the new Star Trek movie is coming out on Friday and I can honestly say that this is the first movie of the year that I'm legitimately excited for. I know what you're thinking: "Wow, Eddie is some Star Trek geek. Next time we see him we have to beat him up and take his lunch money." But don't get it twisted; it's not like that. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever seen any of the old Star Trek movies all the way through or watched an episode of any of the TV shows. So you might wonder what is making me so excited for this movie?
Well, here's my honest to God answer: it just looks cool. If you haven't seen a preview yet, check it out here. For the first time, Star Trek seems to have the epic punch of a Star Wars film. Star Wars, from the very start, was always about the special effects and the huge in-your-face battle sequences. Up until this movie, I never got the impression that Star Trek was about these things. But as far as I'm concerned, it's about freaking time because I always thought Wars made Trek look weak sauce. (Also, it always bothered the hell out of me that Star Trek dudes carried "phasers" as their weapons. Those things look more like electric razors than guns. How are you supposed to cap a fool with something like that?)
Anyway, I feel like Star Trek is getting a bad rap because of the negative stereotypes that come with the series: only dweebs watch it, it's a nerdy show/movie, it's science fiction weirdness, etc, etc. And, hey, I can't lie -- I sort of felt the same way before. I always had a really hard time taking the franchise seriously. I mean, have you ever seen a Klingon? Also, one of the Star Trek shows had the dude from Reading Rainbow on the cast. Look, Reading Rainbow is a good, educational show. (Also, my cousin was apparently on it when he was younger, so high five.) But I feel like as a result from being on the show, you lose some street cred toward the rest of your acting career. (Fortunately, my cousin became a doctor instead. But LeVar Burton did not...)
Speaking of acting, I think that this movie is very well cast. Sylar from Heroes is playing Spock. Eric Bana, one of the most underrated badass actors out there, is playing Nero, although I have no clue who the Nero character is. And John Cho is in the movie too, so big ups for Korean pride!....even though he's playing a Japanese guy in the film.
Okay, so it's not perfect. But the bottom line is that this Star Trek looks like a legit, fun, and exciting movie. Here's to the Summer '09 movie season.
On a separate note, I attended the A's game last night with Steve, Michelle, and Curtis. It was one week to the night of the now infamous Giants-Dodgers game, but I'm glad to report that there were no incidents this night (if you don't know what I'm talking about, refer back to the entry from last Thursday). I think some people might have gotten the impression that what happened at the Giants-Dodgers game is a regular occurrence or something, but believe me when I say that it's really not. All the elements just came into place during that game and it just turned into the perfect storm. Either that or Ester and Rachel are really the ones to blame because they weren't at the A's game when everything was cool, but they were at last week's game when everything went crazy. I don't know...you make the call.
Anyway, I'd like to thank my boss for hooking up the free tickets (really nice seats) and the free parking. And I'd also like to thank all the A's fans for being so disloyal to their team to the point that half the stadium is empty nearly every night which forces the A's to have incredible promotions like last night's $1 hot dogs. Between the four of us, I think we had 13 or 14 dogs (although 10 were eaten by me and Curtis).
Channel your inner Kobayashi.
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