It's been a while, hasn't it? Just thought I'd throw in a nice update to let you all know that 1) I am alive and 2) this blog is still alive as well. And as much fun as it is to have a blog, it can also be quite a pain as well. It's weird that you sometimes feel obligated to write in your blog... but to who? To yourself? I guess so. To other people? Sure, but it's kind of arrogant to think that people really care that much about what you have to say. Let's just face it -- the only real way to feel like your blog has a true purpose is if you're getting paid for it. And unless someone reading this wants to make that happen, my motivation to write in this blog will be up and down. There will be good stretches and there will be bad stretches. Kind of like the Miami Heat.
Anyway, just wanted to check in and say hi. I leave you with something fun for fans of Parks and Rec and/or Casablanca.
AND two things to look forward to in the coming days/weeks.

And second...