This article is from Esther's blog and I thought it posed an interesting question: which actresses do you irrationally hate? I guess it doesn't really need further explaining than that. Here's my top-five list that I've expanded to include actors as well. It also includes some actors/actresses that I rationally hate because hey, let's not be exclusionary in the hating of famous people.
5. Jake Lloyd. For those that don't remember him, he was the little kid in Star Wars Episode I. And he was terrible. I'm not trying to hate on kids (he was like 10 or something when this movie was made) but I always got this sense that he thought he was some amazing actor and he was incredibly smug about it. Yes. I got all of this from a 10 year old kid. Seriously. Watch that movie again. It's like he thinks he doesn't even need to try and act. He was awful. Granted, that entire movie sucked, but still. It's worth pointing out that he hasn't done anything since Star Wars. Coincidence? I think not.
4. Julia Roberts. Let me preface this by saying I don't really hate Julia Roberts, but I don't understand the hype about her. I know, I know. You're going to say I'm a douche for not liking Julia Roberts. Maybe I am, but this is supposed to be irrational, okay? There's just something about her that rubs me the wrong way... I can't really figure it out. I do think her laugh is annoying though. And remember in Ocean's 11 when they tried to make it seem like she was super hot? Okay, yeah. Nice try. No one is buying that.
3. Jennifer Love Hewitt. Sure, she's hot. But come on. She just can't act and all her movies are awful. I also happened to see her recent TV show Ghost Whisperer. I found it hilarious. But as you might guess from the title Ghost Whisperer, it wasn't meant to be. Anyway, when the movie people most associate you with is called I Know What You Did Last Summer, that says something. (As a side note, remember there was a sequel to IKWYDLS titled I Still KWYDLS? But the second movie took place the next summer after the summer in the first movie, which would actually mean the movie should have been called I Know What You Did Two Summers Ago. I guess that's not quite as catchy. And yes, these are the things that I think about.)
Also, I know people want to categorize Jessica Alba under the "She's hot but she can't act so let's not give her a pass" category. There's two reasons why I'm slightly more forgiving to Alba. First, for all the terrible movies she's been in (Honey, Into the Blue, Good Luck Chuck, Fantastic Four, Fantastic Four II, etc.) she does have one pretty good movie to her credit: Sin City. And she was actually not bad in it. But she's kind of losing momentum from that success so we might see her on this list soon.
The second reason I give her a pass? She's a Warriors fan.
Plus, she's hot.
2. Cameron Diaz. Just freaking annoying.
1. Zac Efron. I've never seen any of the High School Musical movies or 17 Again and the only other movie I can think of him being in was that one that came out recently where he's an aspiring baseball player whose little brother dies in an accident and he holds himself responsible but then he starts playing catch in the woods behind his house with the spirit of his dead little brother who then inspires him to pursue his dream of playing baseball but also of hooking up with the girl in the movie. Okay, maybe the premise of the movie is enough to hate him.
And come on. Even that poster looks douchey.